v Privacy Policy

Reminder: By accessing the Site, you accept the terms of use set here below.

Access to the website :
"Pap Art Gallery" and its use is permitted for personal use only. As a user of the website "Pap Art Gallery" you acknowledge having the skills and resources necessary to access and use this site. You acknowledge that you have verified the configuration used the site "Pap Art Gallery" contains no viruses and is in perfect working order. You acknowledge having been informed that the website "Pap Art Gallery" is open 24h/24h and 7/7 days, except in cases of force majeure, computer difficulties, difficulties related to the structure of telecommunications networks or other technical difficulties . For maintenance reasons, "Pap Art Gallery" may shut down its site. The site will endeavor to notify users in advance. In addition the site reserves the right to suspend operation, or remove, without notice, certain data from the site in case they affect the processing capacity, security or integrity of the site or would reveal the presence of an unlawful or not respecting the spirit of the Site. Finally, users of the Site are solely responsible for the confidentiality of any access code provided to them when they register on the Site.

Privacy Policy / Privacy
In accordance with the provisions of the Act of 6 January 1978 relating to computers, files and liberties, you have a right of access and rectification of your data on the site by writing to headquarters. Personal data collected on the site "Pap Art Gallery" are published under the responsibility of the artists concerned. Warning: It is difficult to guarantee 100% security of data transmitted over the Internet. Although "Pap Art Gallery" work best to protect online information on the site or transmitted through other site "Pap Art Gallery", "Pap Art Gallery" can not ensure or guarantee that such information is entirely secure. All information on this site are purely indicative and is not liable Pap Art Gallery. All information is published under the responsibility of their authors and with their agreement.

Intellectual property rights:
"Pap Art Gallery" Site content is protected by copyright law and by the producers of databases. The reproduction or representation of all or part of works, data or any other part of this site, or by any media whatsoever, is prohibited and is without the express consent of the artist or a counterfeit site sanctioned by articles L335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. Any use of content on this site for illegal purposes will be subject to legal action against offenders. Any extraction by permanent or temporary transfer to another media by any means, or reuse by making available to the public all or a part, qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the site content "Pap Art Gallery," there including for private purposes is prohibited. The brand and logo Pap Art Gallery is protected properly, and are used under the same rules as the rest of the site content.

Artistic credits and other credits:
Will be mentioned clearly in the space close to the published works.

The user is informed that during his visits to the site, a cookie may be automatically installed. A cookie is an element that does not identify the user but is used to record information about the navigation of it on the website. Users acknowledge that they have been informed of this practice and authorize "Pap Art Gallery" to use it. Users may desactivate the cookie using the settings in their web browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari ...).

Links to other sites:
"Pap Art Gallery" may provide links from its site to other sites such as site of artists, galleries or exhibition, ..... These sites are independent, "Pap Art Gallery" does not edit or control such sites. Links to these sites do not constitute in any way, an endorsement or partnership between "Pap Art Gallery" and these sites. Therefore, "Pap Art Gallery" can not be responsible for their content, products, advertising or any elements or services presented on such sites. We remind you that the sites listed are subject to their own terms of use and protection of personal data.

Report an error or request deletion:
The editorial team of the website "Pap Art Gallery" is trying every means to disseminate valid information, to keep it updated and to ensure content quality. If content is not appropriate please report the issue via the CONTACT page of the site. The content will be modified / corrected in the shortest time possible.

Jurisdiction : These Terms of Use are governed by French law. In particular Paris and the French courts have territorial jurisdiction to entertain any dispute arising from the use of the Site.

Hubert Ferrari
Pap Art Gallery
126, rue de Picpus
75012 - PARIS
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Site Host :
HOSTPAPA - Green Hosting

Logo, site conception & realisation:

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