Paper Artists Directory
Entries with Artist Last name, First Names starting with 'A'

Fresh papercutting of artworks, portraits, sets and illustrations inspirated by nature, fairy tales and haiku.

Industrial machinery meticulously executed sketching with cardboard. From flying machines to rollercoaster, passing through architecture and objects, in miniature or large scale sculpture and sets.

United States
Collages, paintings and reinterpreted botanical paper cuttings sculptures and installations, performing an ongoing process of deconstruction and reconstruction insearch for relics of the American Dream.

United States
Designer, illustrator and paper engineer, making dazzling complex pop-up books and greeting cards

paper and corrugated cardboard cutting, painting and scupture
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United Kingdom
Magical Book sculptures on topics mostly concerning Scottish literature and poetry, made out of old books by an anonymous female paper sculptor that were contrived to be "found" in Scotland between 2011 and 2013.

United Kingdom
Paper cut sculptures and illustrations focusing on creating something that has both style and substance to it.

United States
Crystallized Books sculptures, removing the text and solidifying the books into aesthetic, non-functional objects.

United States
Op art Pop-up, geometric paper sculptures playing with the flux state between two and three dimensions.

United States
Artists' books book binded with unusual forms combined with a modern approach, to create a sensual object. Interested in the textures of different mark making and the feel of the paper.